Maintaining braids in natural hair care involves nourishing your hair and ensuring the longevity of your braided style.

Here's a detailed guide:

  1. Keep your scalp clean: Use Clementina’s Collection Shampoo and Conditioner to wash your scalp regularly, especially if you have an itchy or flaky scalp. Focus on massaging the shampoo into your scalp to remove dirt, oil, and product buildup.

  2. Hydrate your hair and scalp: Apply a lightweight moisturizer, such as Air-Ro Serum or Every Day Scalp Oil, to your scalp and braids to keep them hydrated. Pay attention to your hair's needs, as some hair types may require more moisture than others.

  3. Protect your edges: Opt for gentle styling techniques and consider using edge control products to smooth down your edges without causing damage. Product coming soon…

  4. Cover your hair at night: Use a satin or silk scarf, bonnet, or pillowcase to protect your braids while you sleep. These materials help retain moisture and reduce friction, preventing frizz and breakage. Products coming soon…

  5. Avoid excessive manipulation: Refrain from constantly touching or playing with your braids, as this can cause them to unravel prematurely and lead to breakage. Instead, style your braids in a way that minimizes manipulation and maintains their integrity.

  6. Retouch your edges: As your hair grows, periodically redo the braids along your edges to keep them looking neat and prevent new growth from causing tension on the existing braids. You can book a retouch appointment.

  7. Protect your hair during activities: Wear a protective style or cover your braids with a scarf or hat when engaging in activities that may cause damage, such as swimming or exercising.

  8. Limit the duration: While braids are a convenient protective style, it's essential to give your hair breaks between styles to prevent over-manipulation and maintain hair health. Aim to keep your braids in for no longer than 6-8 weeks, depending on your hair's needs and the type of braids you have.

  9. Remove braids carefully: When it's time to take down your braids, be gentle to avoid causing unnecessary damage to your hair. Use a detangling conditioner or oil to help loosen any knots or tangles before carefully unraveling each braid. We also provide style removal services.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your braids looking fresh and protect the health of your natural hair. Remember to listen to your hair's needs and adjust your routine accordingly for the best results.

Keep your scalp clean!

Use a Clementina’s Collection Shampoo and Conditioner

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your braids looking fresh and protect the health of your natural hair. Remember to listen to your hair's needs and adjust your routine accordingly for the best results.

— Braids By RoRo